Remember that by purchasing a ticket for a class, you are stating that you are aware that horse riding is classified as an extreme sport and carries a high risk of injury. I understand

Visit us

Wrocławski Tor Wyścigów

Konnych – Partynice

ul. Zwycięska 2

53-033 Wrocław

Contact us

71 333 45 17

691 495 923

How to get?

By public transport:

By bus

From the Main Railway Station: bus 113 (stop: Karkonoska Partynice)
From the City Centre (PL. JANA PAWŁA II): bus 127 and 144 (stop: Zwycięska)

By tram

2, 6, 7 and 17 to the Krzyki loop, change there at buses 127 and 144 (stop: Zwycięska) or 113 (stop: Karkonoska Partynice)
We recommend using the application: and google maps.

By bike:

If you come to us with bicycles – yes, we provide bike racks.

By car:

If you decide to come to us by car, you can leave the car in the parking lot at Zwycięska street (it is a WTWK Partynice car park) – please notice that the number of parking spaces is limited (300 places)!

Car parks

Entrance from Zwycięska street
Parking for facility service

1. Main tribune
2. Side tribune
3. The Old Teahouse
4. Office
5. Residential buildings
6. Sports stables
7. Sports stables
8. Sports stables

9. Sports stables
10. Lunge pen
11. Riding stables
12. Recreational stables
13. Recreational stables
14. Tent hall
15. Pond
16. Residential buildings